The Carrot Cake

September 07, 2021

Sundays are good days for fooling around, and maybe to go to the beach or to the park. They are good days to work on the first kid, if your intention is to start your family.
In my case, I like to spend mine working, and sometimes studying a new theme, but it all depends on my humor.

One of the best things about being single and lonely is the opportunity to choose to cut, as I wish, the strings that tie me to a routine. And to explore other worlds, like the cooking one.
Which I did, yesterday.

(sometimes I imagine a person, married to someone who loves to do new things and go to new places, getting ready against their will because their partner wants to meet the new restaurant that has opened in Shopping Cidade Jardim)

It took me a great effort, I must say, to shut down my computer, which was on since 5am, and go to the kitchen to prepare my classic Sunday meal: macaroni with chicken nuggets, while listening to the program Pânico on YouTube.

The carrot cake, a Brazilian classic that you can't do wrong if you don't add too many carrots to the recipe, I made it a little later that same day as an alternative to dinner (who needs to be healthy nowadays?), in a day that started with a chocolate cappuccino.

And unlike some people I know, the carrot cake won't judge me, call me fat or say I'm not as pretty as the tv actress - something sad that happened to a woman I know.
So, it would be unthinkable to be me the one who judges those who choose the carrot cake over man, given the quality of the ones around us - only I know what I have lived.

Anne Rios - Brazilian girl writing about Brazilian things


be messy <3