Once Upon a Time...

March 25, 2021

Those last few days have been hot as hell, with an air so dry that (I think) if you break an egg in the middle of the street, it would cook in a matter of seconds.
But then suddenly, last night, I heard the sound of raindrops on the roof. Not the best moment, probably, since I was in the bathroom (when you have to go you have to go) and had to speed things up to go outside get the homemade soap that I left drying in the sun the whole week.

Once outside, I saw a blue sky “full” of stars and thought: “great, another quick rain…” But that sky was just São Paulo playing with my feelings, because not long after that the rain reached my house, and here stayed for the entire night, with the promise to keep falling all the time the next day.

From where this rain came, is beyond me. The weather app was showing sequentials days with temperatures above 30ºC and the probability of some “occasional” rain. And I confess that that scenario frightened me a bit since my nose was bleeding non-stop for the last few days. But now I’m so happy for me, yey!

I can even go, at any time I want, to the stationery store to print some images I need for my craft projects… speaking of craft projects, I should probably clean up my little studio. I can’t find anything in that mess.

Anne Rios
Brazilian girl writing about Brazilian things


be messy <3