Each Day Water

January 05, 2021

When you guys wake up, your mouth also taste funny? Mine does. And I can’t exactly brush my teeth at 4 am - it would wake up everybody.

It’s natural to want to drink something when you wake up. And I don’t know if it’s me, if it’s my mouth, or if it is the water itself that has an impossible taste - I just can’t drink it. And the problem is not my filter either, although I confess I’m having serious thoughts of buying a clay filter (I’ve been told that the water of it tastes delicious!!).

But enough about problems. My solutions so far for drinking a lot of fluids when I wake up have been:

1 - drinking tea: it has worked, but drinking tea every day can be exhausting, and it’s summer, too warm for a hot beverage

2 - eating a mint Tic Tac before drinking water for the first time in the morning

3 - to drink a 100% grape juice: I have only done it a couple of times, and the results, so far, are not bad. The juice is sweet, has an unbelievable good taste, and it’s so healthy.

This can be a silly topic for you (so sorry for that), but when we have the goal to age without letting time affect our skin, drinking a lot of fluids when we wake up is just not an option.

Anne Rios


be messy <3