
January 07, 2021

A recent research said that only 1% of Brazilians speak English fluently. I don’t know what kind of data they used for this conclusion (no one asked me anything), but these are results that should turn on the danger siren.

English is the main language in the world, and I got lucky that my father and my aunt could pay for me to study it for 2 and a half years. And I also got lucky to know how to learn by myself what I didn’t learn in English school.

But this was me.
For most Brazilians, learning English was never an option. And now, with everything that happened in 2020, the numbers that were bad are for sure getting worse.

Maybe it’s not fair for me to ask you this, but please, try to understand why you won’t find Brazilians speaking English outside of Brazil’s “commercial zones”

Anne Rios


be messy <3