The Shower Factor

November 02, 2020

Since here in Brazil we live a summer that last all year long, makes no sense to build houses that would keep the heat inside, like my fellow readers who live on the northen side of the Ecuador do. I see how difficult summer time can be for you guys and totally understand.

Which comes to my point: how painfully is to have to shower on cold days.
I don't have a heater, and why would I need one? But everytime I have to take a show in the cold days I'm like "boy I wish I had brought a heater, even if it is to use only 5 times a year..."

São Paulo is not a city for beginners. We have THE most unpredictable weather. 
Too bad (for me) that cold days only come once in a while, stay for a few days and then is hot as hell again. "Enjoy it while you can" is something I'm always saying to myself. And I do things like hot tea, hot chocolate, etc

But the shower...

Anne Rios


be messy <3