Hot Chocolate
November 01, 2020Indeed a very good way to deal with my problems.
How could I ignore the advise Dumbledore always gave in the Harry Potter books? That would a (total) nonsense.
This works for when we are sad, sick or just bored with the daily life questions that we make so big, that we have to call them “problems”. – Come on, if everything is a problem nothing is a problem. Take my grammar, for example. It wouldn’t be so funny if it didn’t have so many English mistakes., and none of you are hearing me complaining – or checking the word.
(“whom… who… sometimes it’s just who” – as Monica would say).
But from all things, the hot chocolate proved its value in those days when I’m having problems with my “baby box”. Damn you Eve… you had to eat the damn apple?
be messy <3