To Write About...

March 12, 2021

I have been having some worries (again) about the best way to show how great Brazil is as a country. From food to culture and so many other topics that I wish to bring. But my greatest concern at the moment, I think, still is mastering my English so that I can actually say what I want in a way that you will understand.

There are so many interesting topics, but about which one do you wish to hear? - I can’t just keep writing about the weather or my groceries shopping.

And if I want to bring travel topics, for example, how can I write about things and places I don’t know yet? YouTube and Google can’t do much to teach me.

Or should I write about Brazil’s history? Or about the things I love here? (after all, this is still a blog) Or should I keep writing about daily stuff, like yesterday, when I finally found the mysterious part of the bathroom that was stinking and cleaned?

It would be great if some of you could give me directions because, right now, my future and notebook are just an amount of blank pages that I have no idea what to fill in.

Anne Rios
a Brazilian girl living in São Paulo


be messy <3