Man Up, You Guys

February 06, 2021

There is a new favourite topic for conversation in Brazil, and I’m talking about Big Brother (does this still happen in your country?), here kindly called by “BBB”, a “nickname” that comes from Big Brother Brasil.

One would think that climate changes or the pandemic are important subjects to be discussed, but not Brazilians. Every January 1st gets, for the last 21 years, the country immerse inside the reality show bubble as a form to escape from the “real world problems”. And no one seems to be able to avoid the BBB in their conversation.

But at least this year something really interesting came up of this reality show: how fragile men become. The doubt is if now society will wake up and start raising their boys to be a man that stands in front of his wife and family in a time of danger, and not the other way around like is happening nowadays.

Anne Rios


be messy <3