Welcome To Tumblr-Land

November 07, 2020

Another stamp on my passport, yey!!

Although I’m still sad for leaving France without knowing the fate of Nell and Fabien, I cannot help but feel excited to walk around the streets of Tumblr-Land again.

The last time I was here was only as a reader. Now, as part of my journey to improve my vocabulary, I am copying this book with stories about what happened after the happily ever after in Disney fairytales.
- Snow White does think she is the most beautiful chick in the realm.

I loved it the first I read it!! But unfortunately I “broke” my Kobo system while preparing everything to take a picture to illustrate my blog’s post and had to reinstall its operating system. Ugh…

Oh, and I already prepared the book I will copy after this one. A cute Christmas anthology with 12 stories named My True Love Gave To Me

Anne Rios


be messy <3