Say Yes To The Mess

November 25, 2020

Remember when in medieval times people lived in the middle of garbage and was ok with that? Maybe this short observation rings any bells?

Recently I saw a documentary from Sir Roger Scruton about how beauty matters (you can watch for free on YouTube), and I found myself thinking how easily we get used to accepting less than we can actually do or have - you can’t even mention it without a mad person spit in your face the words “it’s not pretty for you” (in cases of an art work, for example) or “what matters is what is on the inside”.

The dust on the shelf, the dirty tea cup on the window by the sink that you’ll never wash, all things that make part of an imaginary “mess revolution” that says you can’t want something nice or perfect, or almost perfect.

Did humanity give up on the power of saying “I don’t like it?” 

Anne Rios


be messy <3